Steps to integrate OneTrust Cookie Script with Magento 2

Steps to integrate OneTrust Cookie Script with Magento 2

OneTrust is one of the popular user consent management systems out in the market which allows business to monitor Privacy, Security & Data Governance in their platform.

While it has integrations with many popular web platforms, it is missing a solid integration with Magento.

It’s a simple tracking script which one would easily copy/paste in Magento admin > Content > Design > Themes > Head > Misc script; but the catch is that this script needs to be put right after the opening <head> tag which is not possible if you copy/paste the script in Magento backend theme configuration area.

To achieve this, I have created a simple Magento module (compatible with 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x) using which you can put the OneTrust Cookie Script in the right location.

You can download the module from the Github here: